Welcome to Grup A.C.

Welcome to the Group A.C. a place where everyone can find plenty of activities to pass the time or just for fun. Group A.C. has got a lot of things to do, like listen to music, play games free without downloading and more like making excellent free web pages by following our manual. And all this only because we love to serve people, that's why we would like to greatly appreciate your suggestions for improving the site to the Contact section.

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Blog Summary





A new header

Hello everyone, just to inform you that a new and more innovative cooler header.

Thanks to all.

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Renewal point total

We've changed, now the website has a new image. Apart from the aspect that has changed a lot, you also know that we have new widgets to the page, you've probably already seen.

The first one is the google widget to look up words in the website.

The second is  the widget of Creative Commons, license that protects the work which is this website. If you want to see
it click on.

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New language of our website: English

In the end we succeeded, we are publishing our web in English. Now we will translate, bit by bit to the website of the Catalanto English. The biggest problem was the blog, but as you can see we have already found a solution to the problem.

Welcome to all new English readers , who may be enjoying our services in English.

Team Group A.C.

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